
This page helps create batch files to start colinux daemon up without doing any typing. It's really simple actually. Some times you are too lazy to create a batch file, but in fact they are really handy! Yes, basic dos and command line knowledge will still help in Windows today, and it probably always will. --LarsOlson

Open an editor and create these files. Modify them to your needs. Save them with a batch extension (.bat) in your coLinux directory (i.e. c:\coLinux)

rem Example: This is an example RunCoLin.bat
echo Starting coLinux...
colinux-daemon kernel=vmlinux cobd0=root_fs.1gb cofs0=c:\temp root=/dev/cobd0 eth0=tuntap


if you are using an XML configuration file you'd make something like

rem Example: This is an example RunCoLin.bat
echo Starting coLinux...
colinux-daemon -c default.colinux.xml

MassTranslated on Sun Apr 23 17:35:44 UTC 2006
